Why you should use for drug test only special detox drinks
Since detox drinks work like diuretics by triggering urination, they make your pee look pale and diluted. If you send it for drug test, sample will be rejected and you will be suspected of cheating. That is why detox drinks for drug test include B vitamins, which color urine yellow and make it look natural. Also, latest products include Creatine, which raises Creatinine level to help pass possible adulteration check if your sample will be considered suspicious.
You can use usual detox drinks for body cleansing, in case you just want to improve your health and well-being. But if you want to pass drug test you should use only special products, otherwise you will likely fail because of diluted urine. Drug test detox drinks will not only cleanse your system and detoxify body by removing all evidences of drugs within 1 to 10 days, but also will save natural look and composition of your urine thanks to their special ingredients like vitamin B and Creatine.
The contents of detox drink are vital in the success of your drug test, so latest product formulas usually include more than 20 herbs, vitamins and minerals to guarantee effective cleansing.
Except above mentioned B vitamins (usually B2 and B12) and Creatine, main components are:
- Dandelion – one of the best natural diuretics, which speeds up urination and increases bowel movements
- Guarana seed – effective stimulant, which boosts energy and increases urine flow
- Milk thistle – antioxidant that helps detoxify the liver
- Echinacea purpurea leaf – stimulates immune system to get rid of toxins inside your body

Other ingredients may include Turmeric root, Burdock root, Green Tea, Peppermint, Licorice, Thiamine, Potassium Sorbate, Bromelain, Papain, Citric Acid etc.
How to Use
Given these information, the next question is how you should properly take a detox drink for drug test to make sure you will get a desired result. Here is a step-by-step guide for efficient product use:
- Stay away from drugs and other illegal substances for at least two days prior to the test. This ensures the effectiveness of the solution.
- Consume the beverage one to two hours before taking the urine test with decent amount of water.
- After 20 minutes, refill the bottle with water and drink all of it.
- Urinate 2-3 times before providing a sample.
All products have usage instructions and it is highly recommended to follow them strictly. To ensure the best results and avoid detection, it is important to use the right kind of detox drink appropriate to your body weight and the frequency of drug use.
There are also drug detox kits available on the market, which include additional supplements to enhance the action and home test device to verify the effectiveness of the product.
Individuals receiving outpatient detox are also more inclined to cancel appointments and don't complete detoxification. Author is an expert of detox from alcohol, visit here for more interesting information.
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