Juices For Marijuana Detox

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Cannabis plant leaves traces of THC in your body after smoking or consumption, what can be detected by special test, and as we know, there are lots of methods to remove them effectively. But what if these options are not enough and you constantly looking for new ones to ensure detox process and feel healthier? There is another widely used method, which is easy-to-use and inexpensive – drinking juices.

Juice detoxification is well-known for a long time already and it is used mostly for weight loss and health improvement, but like any system cleansing it can be also very helpful for those who want to get rid of THC in their body. Juice detox gives you a lot of possibilities starting from simple cranberry juice to complicated combinations of leaves, fruits and vegetables and if you never did this before, you should definitely try and I will tell you how to do it right.

Lemon juice

Drinking lemon juice is great way to detox from marijuana, but you have to use only organic juice with vitamin C, which is necessary to eliminate THC from your system. Do not forget that store-bought juices are mostly not 100% natural, so they’re not as useful and potent as self-made drink from fresh lemons.

lemon juice for marijuana detox

Cranberry juice

Another great option is cranberry juice, since it is known as good diuretic and kidney detox remedy. Since urination is one of the most efficient ways to remove toxins from the body, the substances that contribute it are highly recommended for marijuana detox.

You can also prepare potent detox drink from cranberry juice.

You need:

  • 2oz of 100% cranberry juice
  • 8 oz of water
  • 1 teaspoon of psyllium husk

Dilute cranberry juice with water and add psyllium. You can also add any other fiber, for example apple pectin. Mix it thoroughly and drink.

marijuana detox drink from cranberry juice

Other benefits

Juice fasting and detoxification not only helps to remove marijuana traces from your body, but has a lot of other benefits also:

  • it boosts your immune system making you more resistant to various diseases and malaises
  • cleanses system from harmful acids, yeast and fungi
  • improves overall mental clarity including the ability to sleep and focus
  • restores natural pH balance and sugar levels
  • cleanses liver and colon

Juice detoxification process extends to the cellular level and promotes not just cleansing but rebuilding of cells as well. This leads to general rejuvenation of the body, improved well-being and glowing complexion. You will forget about any aches or pains and feel yourself stronger and more energized.

It should be mentioned also that like any diet long-term juice fasting will help you lose excess weight in case you have one. At the same time organic juices are great source of natural sugars (instead of artificial sweeteners) and will supply you with all necessary elements, like vitamins, minerals, enzymes and electrolytes.

All of the above means that juicing detox is recommended not only to get marijuana out of your system, but also for prophylactic and curative purposes.

Can You Detox From Weed With Water?

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Drinking water is one of the most common and effective ways of detoxification. Water helps our system flush toxins and waste while transporting important nutrients to other parts of the body. It prevents the colon contents from drying in order for our body to easily release the solid waste. This promotes a healthy movement of our digestive system. Moreover, water is the main substance of urine, which removes waste from the kidneys outside. It aids the capabilities of our kidneys and the liver to function effectively in filtering and eliminating toxic substances in our body. Drinking a significant amount of water contributes to the optimization of the body’s flushing process.

How much you should drink to detox from marijuana

Drinking lots of fluids is very effective way to clean body from TetraHydroCannabinol, which is the main component of cannabis plant. Water helps the body in expelling out all toxins including marijuana metabolites through of urination or sweating. You should drink about 1 gallon of water a day by portions of 2-3 glasses during 2-7 days depending on your level of intoxication.

Side effects

You should be careful with this process, since drinking too much water can lead to water intoxication or overhydration, which is dangerous because affects the normal behavior and mental activities usually resulting to delusions, confusions, hallucinations and reducing the consciousness level among others. Overhydration may also result in complications in the heart, liver and kidney and sometimes even leads to death.

Weed detox water recipe

Consuming special master cleanse detox water will help to speed up significantly the cleansing from THC.

You need:
  • filtered water – 12 oz
  • lemon juice - 2 tablespoons
  • organic maple syrup - 2 tablespoons
  • cayenne pepper - 1/10 teaspoon
  • dash of sea salt
detox water for weed

Just mix and drink. Other ingredients may also be added like laxatives and green tea. This detox water will remove free radicals out of your body and make you feel much healthier.

Can it help pass drug test?

Despite the fact that water detox has been known to be a common strategy in cheating urine test (the most commonly encountered method of drug testing), this technique is not really reliable to get a negative laboratory result, because consuming excessive water may lead to diluted sample. From the laboratory’s point of view, this is a sign of possible attempt to adulterate the test. Taking unusual amounts of water dilutes the urine thus making it look pale and lowering down specific gravity as well as the levels of natural chemicals in it. It will also modify the pH and creatinine levels. When urine sample looks suspicious because of lack of a yellow color, testing staff performs special adulteration test on it and rejects it as unnatural. So, it is recommended to consume a special drug detox drinks that include all the necessary components to flush marijuana traces out of your system and leave the urine sample as natural as possible. Water detox is only recommended to those people who want to quit smoking pot or just to improve the overall health and body wellness.

Detox Drinks For Drug Test

In general, detox drinks are type of drinks that cleanse your body from toxins. About 85% of toxins are removed from our body with feces and urine, so usually detox drinks just help to regulate digestion and stimulate urination, what leads to more efficient and faster detoxification. However, detox drinks for drug test have unique additional features, which make them special.

Why you should use for drug test only special detox drinks

Since detox drinks work like diuretics by triggering urination, they make your pee look pale and diluted. If you send it for drug test, sample will be rejected and you will be suspected of cheating. That is why detox drinks for drug test include B vitamins, which color urine yellow and make it look natural. Also, latest products include Creatine, which raises Creatinine level to help pass possible adulteration check if your sample will be considered suspicious.

You can use usual detox drinks for body cleansing, in case you just want to improve your health and well-being. But if you want to pass drug test you should use only special products, otherwise you will likely fail because of diluted urine. Drug test detox drinks will not only cleanse your system and detoxify body by removing all evidences of drugs within 1 to 10 days, but also will save natural look and composition of your urine thanks to their special ingredients like vitamin B and Creatine.


The contents of detox drink are vital in the success of your drug test, so latest product formulas usually include more than 20 herbs, vitamins and minerals to guarantee effective cleansing.

Except above mentioned B vitamins (usually B2 and B12) and Creatine, main components are:

  • Dandelion – one of the best natural diuretics, which speeds up urination and increases bowel movements
  • Guarana seed – effective stimulant, which boosts energy and increases urine flow
  • Milk thistle – antioxidant that helps detoxify the liver
  • Echinacea purpurea leaf – stimulates immune system to get rid of toxins inside your body

drug test detox drinks ingredients

Other ingredients may include Turmeric root, Burdock root, Green Tea, Peppermint, Licorice, Thiamine, Potassium Sorbate, Bromelain, Papain, Citric Acid etc.

How to Use

Given these information, the next question is how you should properly take a detox drink for drug test to make sure you will get a desired result. Here is a step-by-step guide for efficient product use:

  1. Stay away from drugs and other illegal substances for at least two days prior to the test. This ensures the effectiveness of the solution.
  2. Consume the beverage one to two hours before taking the urine test with decent amount of water.
  3. After 20 minutes, refill the bottle with water and drink all of it.
  4. Urinate 2-3 times before providing a sample.

All products have usage instructions and it is highly recommended to follow them strictly. To ensure the best results and avoid detection, it is important to use the right kind of detox drink appropriate to your body weight and the frequency of drug use.

There are also drug detox kits available on the market, which include additional supplements to enhance the action and home test device to verify the effectiveness of the product.

Niacin Flush Detox For THC

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Niacin, also known as nicotinic acid or vitamin B3, is an organic compound required for various body processes like regulating cholesterol and blood sugar levels, processing fat etc. It is a water soluble vitamin that is found in meat, eggs, fish, milk, and many green vegetables. It can also be found in commercial forms as vitamin supplements, given in combination with thiamine, cyanocobalamin, riboflavin, pyridoxine as well as pantothenic and folic acids. Nicotinic acid can breakdown fats, carbohydrates and proteins but is best known for hastening fat metabolism.

food sources of niacin

Medical use

Vitamin B3 lowers bad cholesterol or LDL levels as well as triglycerides in the blood. In addition, it increases good cholesterol or HDL levels in the blood therefore it is essential in prevention of heart and coronary diseases. There are a number of reports that niacin therapy has improved certain medical conditions. In osteoarthritis for instance, niacin has been found to be effective in increasing joint mobility, enhancing muscle strength and reducing muscle and joint fatigue making it an effective treatment. In addition, niacin can also rebuild cartilages and has anti inflammatory properties that could be effective in treating rheumatoid arthritis. In a clinical trial on alcoholics, results showed significant reduce of anxiety, tension, and fatigue within 2 months of daily niacin supplementation. As a result, it is used now by many physicians for treatment of alcoholism.

Detox properties

Niacin really can help to detox body and remove traces of marijuana from system. Since active metabolites of marijuana are stored in fat cells and niacin aids in the metabolism of fats, it speeds up releasing the substances and therefore facilitates their excretion from the body.

One of the suggested methods of detoxifying the body from THC includes taking 500mg of niacin with 1 gallon (4 liters) of water. Niacin flush may be experienced once the body has received enough dosage of niacin. This can be manifested by redness of skin especially of cheeks, ears, forearm and a warmth sensation due to the dilatation of blood vessels and increasing blood flow. Light meals are advised since empty stomach improves the efficacy of substance. Frequent urination is required during marijuana detox procedure. Usually niacin causes darker color of urine on first urination but subsequent should be clear.

Side effects

Despite reports of niacin to be effective THC detox, it has very dangerous side effects like skin flushing, itching and rashes. In severe cases of niacin over dosage, it may lead to organ failure, especially the liver. It is highly recommended to consult a health care provider for the proper dosage of this vitamin. Niacin may actually do more harm than good to your body so better check and weigh the risks and benefits of a certain method before trying it out. You might as well consider the differences in the chemistry of our bodies what can explain why it may work for some other individuals but not for you. Taking the above into account, I recommend other proven methods of marijuana detox instead of using niacin.

How To Detox From Weed

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Whether you want to pass drug test or quit smoking weed, you need to cleanse your body from all remnants of marijuana to produce clean urine sample or reduce withdrawal symptoms. This procedure is called “marijuana detox” and it must be conducted properly to ensure maximum effect. Methods used for toxin removal depend on your purpose, since detox for drug test differs substantially from other ways of cleansing. So before you start you have to know exactly what you want.

Basic information

THC (the most active compound found in marijuana) and its metabolites are retained in different tissues of the body after drug intake and removed mainly with feces and urine. They can stay in the system from few days for occasional users to a month and even more for heavy stoners. The actual time usually depends not only on amount and frequency of marijuana use, but on body mass and personal metabolism also.

General Marijuana Detox Methods

Since THC is fat-soluble, it takes time for the body to clear it out thus it stays longer in the body as compared to other water-soluble drugs. However, there are ways to hasten detoxification process:
  • Hydrating yourself by drinking lots of water helps to flush out toxins faster. 
  • Diuretics are also recommended to promote urine production. 
  • Recommended marijuana detox diets include foods with high content of fiber and antioxidants such as fruits and vegetables particularly raspberries, apples, spinach, blueberries, black beans, broccoli and almonds. 
  • Herbal supplements and teas with such components as psyllium seeds, milk thistle and dandelion are good detoxifiers that can aid the liver in getting rid of the toxins. 
  • Daily heavy aerobic exercises like jogging, swimming and biking can help release THC stored in fat cells and boost up the body’s metabolism. 
  • Sweating is one of the body’s mechanisms to flush out toxins thus sauna may also be of help. 
During detoxification, avoid use of drugs, alcohol, tobacco and other toxic substances as well as foods rich in oil and sugar, grains and junk food because these products can inhibit the process.

Detox For Drug Test

Most of these methods don’t work in an instant. It may take you a few weeks to exercise and sweat to notice significant effects on the results. The same is true with high fiber and antioxidant diet. But detox for drug test requires fast cleansing, since you usually have limited time to prepare. That’s why these methods are useless in this situation.

Hydrating and diuretics really help to detox from weed fast, but they have one significant disadvantage – they flush out creatine and other essential urine components from the body, what makes sample look diluted. This leads to adulteration check and failed test. To solve this problem creatine supplements and B vitamins are used.

But more convenient solution exists, if you are running out of time. There are marijuana detox drinks and supplements available which you can use few hours before test and pass it. These products contain all required components like vitamins, minerals, diuretics and herbal cleansers necessary for the detoxification process without the worry of pale or diluted urine.

What to do:
  1. Start drinking water the day before test. You have to drink about one gallon throughout the day, 2-3 cups at a time.
  2. Urinate as much as possible.
  3. On the day of test keep drinking water and use detox drink in accordance with its instruction. This will help you urinate more while saving natural color and structure of your urine, because marijuana detox drinks include diuretics, B vitamins and other important components.
  4. Be sure to urinate several times before sending your sample. Never give the first urine of the day as it is the most polluted with toxins.
  5. For the same reason, during the test try to urinate at first somewhere outside instead of your test cup. The beginning of the stream contains most THC metabolites. Send your midstream to test.
What to avoid:
  1. Taking any drugs – marijuana in the first place. This will increase toxin level in your urine and will make all detox process meaningless.
  2. Eating questionable products, for example poppy seeds, as they can cause false positive result.
  3. Exercises. They burn fat and release THC from it into urine. The latest studies confirmed that exercises boost the level of THC in urine of marijuana smokers, therefore decreasing their chances to pass drug test.

Products That Do Not Work

Despite numerous options recommended on online forums, not all of them are really effective in cleansing body from traces of marijuana. For instance, intake of vinegar, pickle juice, goldenseal and energy drinks, which are claimed to be effective, does not have enough scientific basis to prove they really detox body from weed.

hydration and exercises help to detox from weed

How Long Does Marijuana Stay In Your System?

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Marijuana contains about 500 compounds, including more than 80 cannabinoids, the most potent of which is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). THC is absorbed into the bloodstream and is distributed to different organs such as heart, lungs and brain producing psychological and physical effects ranging from an increased heart rate to paranoia and hallucinations. In the liver, the compound is metabolized to an active (11-OH-THC) that can still produce psychoactive effects and inactive (THC-COOH) metabolite that is stored in the fat and other tissues before finally be excreted from the body mainly in feces and urine.

Inactive metabolites can stay in the system from few days to several weeks after use depending on the quantity consumed, frequency of use, body fat composition and weight of the user as well as the presence of other drugs which can alter body metabolism.

In Urine

Urinalysis is the most common screening test that can detect the presence of marijuana metabolites in your system. The amount and frequency of the consumption are factors that have strong impact on detection time. An increase in both factors will make it harder for the body to eliminate THC and will result in a longer duration of staying it and its sub products in the system. For one time users, for instance, metabolites can be detected from 1 to 6 days following drug intake while in moderate users, it may last up to 7-13 days. In frequent users, the drug remains detectable in the urine for 15 days or more. For heavy users, drug stays even longer in the system thus they may test positive 30 days or more after use.

In Hair

Although drug test using hair samples is less common due to the fact that it cannot detect recent marijuana intake, this test plays a vital role in the field of forensics because it can show positive results for long period of time starting from about 7 to 90 days after use.

In Saliva

Saliva test is conducted mostly for detection of very recent intake of illicit substances. Now it is not very common, but its usage is growing mainly due to testing of drivers on the roads in a lot of countries. Marijuana can usually be detected in saliva during few hours, sometimes up to 24 hours following drug use.

In Blood

THC remains detectable in the blood within few hours, up to 24 hours maximum after smoking. It is an invasive procedure therefore not recommended as the standard preliminary screening test, however it is often done to investigate recent drug consumption during accidents.

In Sweat

Sweat testing is done by collecting the specimen using a sweat patch worn over a period of time or by a more rapid testing device called DrugWipe that can collect samples on-site. Marijuana is detectable in the sweat during a week or up to four weeks after cessation of drug use.

3 Reasons To Detox From Marijuana

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detox from marijuana to live healthy

There are numerous products in the market that are specially formulated to stimulate the marijuana detoxification process. These include drinks, teas, tablets, and kits that induce flushing of toxins out of the body. Usually they consist of herbs, such as burdock, chamomile, ginger-root, dandelion and others that facilitate urine and sweat production, therefore expediting the release of THC traces out of the body. There are 3 main reasons people need to detox from weed:

1. Drug test

Upcoming urine drug test is probably the number one reason people need to detox from marijuana. While usual detection time for marijuana in urine ranges from 7 to 24 days for frequent users, proper detoxification helps to reduce this period significantly, in some cases helping to get negative result on next day after smoking. As compared to other methods, weed detox is the most safe and healthy way to pass drug test and save your privacy. It should also be noted that detox is useless for hair test, because it cannot remove drug traces from the hair shaft, and for saliva test, because this one is mostly used for detection of current drug use and you just don’t have time for cleansing process.

2. Quit smoking

When user decides to abruptly quit marijuana, withdrawal symptoms can make life a living hell. The person experiences spasms, insomnia, irritability, migraine, stomachaches, and anxiety. Usually, these horrible symptoms make the patient crave for marijuana in the hopes of finding relief, what eventually leads to relapse in many cases. Detox products contain herbs like turmeric and basil that relieve withdrawal symptoms, decrease pain and rejuvenate the body. More than that, many efficient THC detox products have high concentration of such powerful healing herb as milk thistle, which is widely used in treating liver damage from alcohol and drug abuse. Without detox products, the attempt to quit smoking weed will likely be futile. It will only become a cycle of trying to quit and then relapsing.

3.  Health

Marijuana detox products remove not only THC traces from the system. Tobacco smokers, heavy alcohol drinkers, and hard drug users can also use it as a means of removing these poisonous elements.

Although toxin cleansing should not be used as an alternative to good health practices and diets, proper marijuana detoxification, like any other detox program, can certainly help person to get a cleaner body and lead a healthier life. Detox process has a wide range of beneficial effects:

  • helps to lose weight
  • keeps the digestive system healthy
  • prevents chronic diseases
  • enhances immune system functions
  • slows premature aging
  • increases energy
  • improves skin quality

More than that, detox products are formulated with vitamins and minerals that repair and strengthen the internal organs and restore balance to our body's systems.

Marijuana detox products were made not only to get rid of toxins, pass drug tests and quit smoking marijuana, but to keep the whole body healthy also. It is still best to avoid toxic substances and lead a healthy life, but in case you have any problem with marijuana use or abuse, having a good body detox will be there to your rescue.