Basic information
THC (the most active compound found in marijuana) and its metabolites are retained in different tissues of the body after drug intake and removed mainly with feces and urine. They can stay in the system from few days for occasional users to a month and even more for heavy stoners. The actual time usually depends not only on amount and frequency of marijuana use, but on body mass and personal metabolism also.
General Marijuana Detox Methods
Since THC is fat-soluble, it takes time for the body to clear it out thus it stays longer in the body as compared to other water-soluble drugs. However, there are ways to hasten detoxification process:
- Hydrating yourself by drinking lots of water helps to flush out toxins faster.
- Diuretics are also recommended to promote urine production.
- Recommended marijuana detox diets include foods with high content of fiber and antioxidants such as fruits and vegetables particularly raspberries, apples, spinach, blueberries, black beans, broccoli and almonds.
- Herbal supplements and teas with such components as psyllium seeds, milk thistle and dandelion are good detoxifiers that can aid the liver in getting rid of the toxins.
- Daily heavy aerobic exercises like jogging, swimming and biking can help release THC stored in fat cells and boost up the body’s metabolism.
- Sweating is one of the body’s mechanisms to flush out toxins thus sauna may also be of help.
Detox For Drug Test
Most of these methods don’t work in an instant. It may take you a few weeks to exercise and sweat to notice significant effects on the results. The same is true with high fiber and antioxidant diet. But detox for drug test requires fast cleansing, since you usually have limited time to prepare. That’s why these methods are useless in this situation.
Hydrating and diuretics really help to detox from weed fast, but they have one significant disadvantage – they flush out creatine and other essential urine components from the body, what makes sample look diluted. This leads to adulteration check and failed test. To solve this problem creatine supplements and B vitamins are used.
But more convenient solution exists, if you are running out of time. There are marijuana detox drinks and supplements available which you can use few hours before test and pass it. These products contain all required components like vitamins, minerals, diuretics and herbal cleansers necessary for the detoxification process without the worry of pale or diluted urine.
What to do:
- Start drinking water the day before test. You have to drink about one gallon throughout the day, 2-3 cups at a time.
- Urinate as much as possible.
- On the day of test keep drinking water and use detox drink in accordance with its instruction. This will help you urinate more while saving natural color and structure of your urine, because marijuana detox drinks include diuretics, B vitamins and other important components.
- Be sure to urinate several times before sending your sample. Never give the first urine of the day as it is the most polluted with toxins.
- For the same reason, during the test try to urinate at first somewhere outside instead of your test cup. The beginning of the stream contains most THC metabolites. Send your midstream to test.
- Taking any drugs – marijuana in the first place. This will increase toxin level in your urine and will make all detox process meaningless.
- Eating questionable products, for example poppy seeds, as they can cause false positive result.
- Exercises. They burn fat and release THC from it into urine. The latest studies confirmed that exercises boost the level of THC in urine of marijuana smokers, therefore decreasing their chances to pass drug test.
Products That Do Not Work
Despite numerous options recommended on online forums, not all of them are really effective in cleansing body from traces of marijuana. For instance, intake of vinegar, pickle juice, goldenseal and energy drinks, which are claimed to be effective, does not have enough scientific basis to prove they really detox body from weed.

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