Can You Detox From Weed With Water?

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Drinking water is one of the most common and effective ways of detoxification. Water helps our system flush toxins and waste while transporting important nutrients to other parts of the body. It prevents the colon contents from drying in order for our body to easily release the solid waste. This promotes a healthy movement of our digestive system. Moreover, water is the main substance of urine, which removes waste from the kidneys outside. It aids the capabilities of our kidneys and the liver to function effectively in filtering and eliminating toxic substances in our body. Drinking a significant amount of water contributes to the optimization of the body’s flushing process.

How much you should drink to detox from marijuana

Drinking lots of fluids is very effective way to clean body from TetraHydroCannabinol, which is the main component of cannabis plant. Water helps the body in expelling out all toxins including marijuana metabolites through of urination or sweating. You should drink about 1 gallon of water a day by portions of 2-3 glasses during 2-7 days depending on your level of intoxication.

Side effects

You should be careful with this process, since drinking too much water can lead to water intoxication or overhydration, which is dangerous because affects the normal behavior and mental activities usually resulting to delusions, confusions, hallucinations and reducing the consciousness level among others. Overhydration may also result in complications in the heart, liver and kidney and sometimes even leads to death.

Weed detox water recipe

Consuming special master cleanse detox water will help to speed up significantly the cleansing from THC.

You need:
  • filtered water – 12 oz
  • lemon juice - 2 tablespoons
  • organic maple syrup - 2 tablespoons
  • cayenne pepper - 1/10 teaspoon
  • dash of sea salt
detox water for weed

Just mix and drink. Other ingredients may also be added like laxatives and green tea. This detox water will remove free radicals out of your body and make you feel much healthier.

Can it help pass drug test?

Despite the fact that water detox has been known to be a common strategy in cheating urine test (the most commonly encountered method of drug testing), this technique is not really reliable to get a negative laboratory result, because consuming excessive water may lead to diluted sample. From the laboratory’s point of view, this is a sign of possible attempt to adulterate the test. Taking unusual amounts of water dilutes the urine thus making it look pale and lowering down specific gravity as well as the levels of natural chemicals in it. It will also modify the pH and creatinine levels. When urine sample looks suspicious because of lack of a yellow color, testing staff performs special adulteration test on it and rejects it as unnatural. So, it is recommended to consume a special drug detox drinks that include all the necessary components to flush marijuana traces out of your system and leave the urine sample as natural as possible. Water detox is only recommended to those people who want to quit smoking pot or just to improve the overall health and body wellness.


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